Rocall svęšiš į milli Bretlands og Ķslands

Hvernig er žetta meš Rockall svęšiš į milli Bretlands og Ķslands. 

Sęttumst viš į žaš aš lįta Bretum eftir olķuna og gasiš sem liggur į žvķ svęši?

Vęri žį ekki nęr aš žeir létu okkur eftir Icesave ķ stašinn Grin 


Ef ég man rétt žį geršu žeir tilkall til svęšisins og ekki voru neinar mótbįrur frį Ķslenskum stjórnvöldum um žaš, žó höfum viš eignarrétt į svęšinu įsamt Ķrum, Dönum og Fęreyingum.


The United Kingdom's claims

Rockall is within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claimed by the United Kingdom.[38][39] In 1997, the UK ratified[40] the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and thus relinquished any claim to an extension of its EEZ beyond the islet. The remaining issue is the status of the continental shelf rights of surrounding ocean floor. These are the exclusive rights to exploit any resources on or under the ocean floor (oil,natural gas, etc.) and should not be confused with the EEZ, as continental shelf rights do not carry any privileges with regard to fisheries. Ownership of these rights in the Rockall area are disputed between the United Kingdom, Denmark (for the Faroe Islands), Ireland and Iceland. Fundu stóra olķulind ķ Noršursjó
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